Purpose of the Commission

The general purpose of the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of People of Color is to enhance the status of people of color at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, by advising the Chancellor on issues pertaining to the specific concerns of faculty, staff and students who are people of color at the university.  While individual members are free to engage in public advocacy on any issue, the Commission, as a Commission, best serves its purposes through regular, confidential dialog with the Chancellor.


Councils and Membership

The Commission shall consist of 26 members, divided into three Councils:  the Council of Faculty, the Council of Staff and the Council of Students.  Each Council shall be diverse and shall represent a broad range of people of color from across the university.

The Council of Faculty shall consist of 9 persons, as follows:

  • Two faculty members who, as much as practical, represent different Colleges or Divisions within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Four faculty members who, as much as practical, represent different Colleges within Academic Affairs.
  • Two faculty members who hold leadership or other significant roles on campus.
  • The Director of the Ethnic Studies program.

The Council of Staff shall consist of 8 persons, as follows:

  • Four managerial/professional employees who, as much as practical, represent different divisions within the university.
  • Four office/service employees who, as much as practical, represent different divisions within the university.

The Council of Students shall consist of 9 persons, as follows:

  • Five undergraduate students who, as much as practical, represent different colleges and different classes
  • Three graduate students who, as much as practical, represent different colleges and include one Masters and one Ph.D. candidate
  • A representative of OASIS, selected by the Chancellor, shall coordinate the Council


Appointment of Members and Chairs


Faculty and staff members of the Commission shall be appointed for three year, staggered terms.  Student members shall be appointed for one year terms.  Members may be reappointed for one additional term.  Ordinarily, appointments will be made in April of each year.  Terms shall begin on August 15th, but members may serve until their successors are confirmed.


Each Council shall select one of its members to chair the respective Council.  The Commission shall be co-chaired by one member of the Council of Faculty and one member of the Council of Staff as selected by the Commission.  The Council of Faculty and the Council of Staff may also elect a Chair-Elect who will succeed the chair in the following year.


Members of the Council of Faculty shall be appointed by the Chancellor, with the advice of the Academic Senate Executive Committee and after consultation with the Council of Faculty.

Members of the Council of Staff shall be appointed by the Chancellor after consultation with UNOPA and UAAD.

Members of the Council of Students shall be appointed by the Chancellor with the advice of ASUN and after consultation with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.



The responsibilities of the Commission and each of the Councils are as follows:

  1. To advise the Chancellor on university matters and policies relating to people of color and on such other matters as may be appropriate
  2. To advise such other members of the campus administration as the Chancellor deems appropriate
  3. To suggest to the Chancellor issues relating to people of color that should be part of the campus administrative agenda
  4. To communicate to the Chancellor the perspectives of people of color on university policies and decisions
  5. To assist the Chancellor in addressing issues related to people of color.



The Commission and each Council shall adhere to a policy of strict confidentiality.  Conversations with the Chancellor are advisory and confidential.  In addition, members of the university community should feel free to consult with members of the Commission and to express their opinions in confidence.  The Commission shall not disclose to the Chancellor, or to others, any communication requested to be kept confidential by a member of the university community.



The Commission or any Council may meet on such basis as its membership determines or at the call of either the Chancellor or the respective Chair.

The Commission shall meet at least once per year as a Commission to discuss issues common to faculty, staff and students.  The Chancellor shall attend the annual meeting of the Commission.  The Chancellor shall also attend annually at least two meetings of each Council.


Changes to these Guidelines are subject to the approval of the Chancellor.
Revised 2011